Author : fatimah hasmiah

The Strange Porridge
Well, long time ago on the island of Roti there lived an old woman. She was a widow. She only live with her grandson. There were only the two of them on the island. They live in an old hut.
The Boy had no parents anymore. And you know, he didn’t know what had happened to them. His grandmother never told him about it. Actually, the old woman had no heart to tell the truth about his parents.
For their living, they grew some crops behind their hut. It produced only a small quantity of rice. But, there was always enough food for them. Then, for other food the old womanhad to go to the sea, to catch the fish. And everytime the woman went out fishing, the boy had to stay at home and prepare the food.
However, one day the boy could not hold it any longer. He said to his grandmother, “please, Granny, let me go with you. I would like to catch the fish too. “
“No, Dear ,” the woman replied, “it’s too dangerous. Just stay at home and cook the rice for us. Remember, take only one garin.” Then, she went away.
There was the boy, left all alone in a great disappointment. He sat around the house. He wondered why his grandmother never allowed him to the sea. He thougt, “;Hmmm. Why did Granny never let me go with her ? I know that I’m strong enough. And of course, I’m not afraid of the waves. “ He couldn’t find the answer. Then, he remembered that he had to cook rice. While doing this, he talked to him self, “ why is there only one grain? “ How can it be enough food for us ? Granny must be joking.” So, he poured several handfuls of rice into the rice pot and cooked it. A few moment later, as he thought it was the time to take the pot off the fire, you know he lifted the lid. “ My Godness !” he exclaimed. “What’s happening ?” There was a steam of hot porridge flowing out of the pot. It kept flowing and flowing. The boy ran looking for his grandmother. Finding her, he told what he had done. His grandmother got angry. Then, he took a piece of food and beat him on the head. You can imagine the boy was in paint and the beating left black and blue bruises. No matter how the boy begged for forgiveness, The women kept beating on him. Suddenly the boy disappeared. The woman looked for him everywhere, but she could’t find him. Then, she heard a voice. Guess what ! It’s his grandson’s voice. He said, “ good bye, Granny ! you are all alone now. There will be no body to help you from now on. “ The voice did away. From that time on, the people of Roti never beat their children or any other people on the head.


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